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"The Yooper" is Oh Claire Improv's annual Halloween show! Written by staff member JP Fry, The Yooper is a comedic homage to all of the 80's slasher films you grew up watching. The show will include, live practical effects like fake blood and gore and is meant to make you laugh your way through October. 

Dumb and naive teenagers, Ronnie, Sam, Mike, Sarah and Lisa take a trip up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for a summer getaway to a cabin on a lake. During their trip they hear of a supernatural being, "The Yooper", who is a nice midwest man, that haunts all of northern Michigan and kills teenagers on vacation. Teenagers, just like them! 


Will any of them make it out of their vacation alive? Or will each of them perish to the Yooper in one ridiculous way after another... You'll only find out if you come and watch.... THE YOOPER!

Doors open at 7pm show starts at 7:30pm - Tickets $15         


*****Disclaimer - The show will include fake blood and practical effects/ adult themes.******