Spring SingWith Special Guests: Clark County Male ChorusFriday, May 2, 7pmSt Olaf Catholic Church3220 Monroe St. Eau Claire
$15 advance, $20 at the door, kids under 12 free
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The Eau Claire Male Chorus will present its annual Spring Sing Concerts on Friday May 2, and Saturday, May 3, 2025.
$15 advance, $20 at the door, kids under 12 freeBuy tickets online here, or at Festival Foods.
For more information call (715) 720-9092
Visit eauclairemalechorus.net to learn more »
2nd Show on Saturday, Contact us to make a Reservation:
Dinner ConcertSaturday, May. 3, 5:30pmSt Olaf Catholic Church3220 Monroe St. Eau Claire
Enjoy dinner served by your singing waiters of the chorus. With special guests: Clearwater Connection Quartet.
Tickets are available by Reservation-OnlyFor reservations email [email protected] or call (715) 797-5254Dinner and Show: $35, ($30 for supporting members)Table of 8: $250, ($225 for supporting members)